Translate numbers in different languages
Translate numbers in different languages

group facilitator experience if the translator is going to help with a focus group). If possible, find a translator that also has experience collecting data (matching the data collection methodology to their experience, e.g.Using this Nigerien evaluation as a case study, we took away valuable tips to help us prepare for future work with participants speaking different languages: In one case, we even had our French translator ask the question in Hausa, and then one of the other participants translated it again for a different participant who came from a small ethnic group in the area. Our study involved translation from English to French, and French to 5 different Nigerien ethnic languages. The Mercy Corps MILK II evaluation of a drought-relief program in Niger that I assisted on is a great example of successfully navigating languages to come to accurate conclusions. When seeking an appropriate translator, a question that always arises is how to confirm and affirm that the translations accurately reflect the responses of the participants. While we have a number of staff who speak multiple languages (basic to advanced skills include: English, Spanish, French, Malinké, Hebrew, Khmer/Cambodian, Hmong, Bambara and Wolof), a number of our projects have required additional language sets. Good communication is a key tenant of Improve Group work and never is it more important than when working with populations who speak a different language than the evaluators.

Translate numbers in different languages